We will be doing maintenance to the latest LTS release of our voice platform during this time. This is stage 1 of 3. During this time, no impact of services is expected as we are simply preparing and downloading the required artifacts, binaries and builds to complete the upgrade in later stages.
This notification is purely informational and all services during this time will be in normal operation.
Posted on
Feb 04, 2025 - 21:23 CET
We will be doing maintenance to the latest LTS release of our voice platform during this time. This is stage 2 of 3. During this time, we will be performing test upgrades & rollbacks, fail-overs between data centers, deployment of the new software and rollbacks to the previous version.
No impact of services is expected. All ongoing calls and new call setups are expected to function as normal.
A short delay in reporting updates is expected.
Posted on
Feb 04, 2025 - 21:27 CET
We will be doing maintenance to the latest LTS release of our voice platform during this time. This is stage 3 of 3.
During this time, we will be rebooting to the new version of the platform and decommissioning the old version. During this time, fail-overs between data centers, deployment of the new software and installation of upgrades is completed.
No impact of services is expected. All ongoing calls and new call setups are expected to function as normal.
A short delay in reporting updates is expected.
Posted on
Feb 04, 2025 - 21:31 CET